Did you know you could be seeing a lactation consultant for no-low costs?

Did you know you could be seeing a lactation consultant for no-low costs?

Did you know you could be seeing a lactation consultant for no-low costs?

Whether you are a new mom or a mother of multiples breastfeeding can be an overwhelming and difficult skill to master. It is an important job we sign up for when becoming a parent but everyone’s feeding journey is different and unique to them. We at Feed Well Co want to help lessen the stress and burden on you and provide much needed guidance and support. Did you know most insurance companies will pay for 6 or more visits? However, billing through insurance does not guarantee 100% coverage, some may have a copay or deductible. We encourage you to contact your insurance company and inquire about breastfeeding coverage. The Affordable Care Act, requires all new insurance policies to provide coverage for certain preventive services, including prenatal and postnatal lactation support, counseling, and equipment rentals (pumps) for the duration of your breastfeeding journey. In the meantime I would suggest attending a prenatal class if you are currently pregnant or a support group after delivery. We currently offer both these options at Feed Well Co. So let’s chat about the reasons to see an IBCLC, there are several and this is only a small list.

      1. Premature infants 

  1. Engorgement 
  2. Latch difficulties 
  3. Sore/ damage nipples 
  4. No or slow weight gain 
  5. Milk supply concerns 
  6. Need for supplemental or triple feedings 
  7. Baby fussiness related to feeding 
  8. Advice on pumping/expression or breastfeeding equipment 
  9. Clogged ducts/ or Mastitis 
  10. Information on milk storage and sterilizing products 
  11. Advice on returning to work and its challenges 
  12. Weaning advice 

Currently we have an established partnership with TLN ( The Lactation Network) who is in network with Anthem, BCBC, Cigna, and United HealthCare PPO. We have also begun working with clients with Aetna and Tricare certified insurance. However, I would still encourage you to contact your insurance company for coverage options and reach out to us to schedule a visit.

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